Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 2 - moving right along!

Well, last night's dinner was a big success.  I made "Bubble and Squeak", a potato dish with cabbage and caramelized onions cooked in a cast iron skillet until crusty and delicious, and baby carrots with honey butter.  My family ate it up and so did I.  A few of the usual heartburn symptoms in the evening hours, but I  told myself to keep the faith and stick with the plan.

I skipped my evening cup of black tea (which although one of my favorite things in the world, I fear is a major culprit in both my tummy and UTI issues.)

This morning, I enjoyed two slices of whole grain cinnamon toast and a cup of Celestial Seasnonings Caffeine Free Tea, an herbal tea blend with chickory root, blackberry leaves, etc that tastes suspiciously like my favorite english breakfast tea.

Since I had toast, I will have a mid-morning snack as outlined in the Great Taste No Pain eating plan.
For lunch, a big salad with olives, cheese, and dressing - just no bread or crackers.
I can handle that!

I will check back in later in the day to chart my progress and let you know what's for dinner!

Much love,

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