Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 2 - moving right along!

Well, last night's dinner was a big success.  I made "Bubble and Squeak", a potato dish with cabbage and caramelized onions cooked in a cast iron skillet until crusty and delicious, and baby carrots with honey butter.  My family ate it up and so did I.  A few of the usual heartburn symptoms in the evening hours, but I  told myself to keep the faith and stick with the plan.

I skipped my evening cup of black tea (which although one of my favorite things in the world, I fear is a major culprit in both my tummy and UTI issues.)

This morning, I enjoyed two slices of whole grain cinnamon toast and a cup of Celestial Seasnonings Caffeine Free Tea, an herbal tea blend with chickory root, blackberry leaves, etc that tastes suspiciously like my favorite english breakfast tea.

Since I had toast, I will have a mid-morning snack as outlined in the Great Taste No Pain eating plan.
For lunch, a big salad with olives, cheese, and dressing - just no bread or crackers.
I can handle that!

I will check back in later in the day to chart my progress and let you know what's for dinner!

Much love,

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Welcome to my Diary!

Let me introduce myself.  My name is Traci, 38 year old mother of two and military wife.  I am a singer/songwriter and music teacher who loves to travel, go camping, and cook for my family.
I decided to write this "diary" about my struggle with GERD and indigestion, and various other tummy problems because I need to be held accountable for what I am eating, and because I believe that if others join me on this journey we may just end up helping one another!

I have, in the past, tried various medications and diets in an effort to end the painful, nagging burning feeling that always seems to happen at night.  Numerous bottles of chewable antacids, prescription and over the counter acid reducers, sleeping propped up have all failed me and become super frustrating!  What in the world is wrong with me??   Why can't I just eat and enjoy junk food and soda like everyone else??  No fair.

About a year ago, I came across a website during a desperate internet search for a miracle cure.  It was called Great Taste, No Pain.  Author, Sherry Brescia writes that you can "end stomach pain forever, even if your MD says "No Way!".   I was intrigued, and ordered the free white paper with recipes and details about her eating plan which is based on food combining techniques.   You can find the paper by clicking the link below.....

I will just say, I tried it out and decided to order the books.  The recipes are satisfying and healthy.  I do believe it works!  I just got really lazy over the summer, and succumbed to eating the quick, easy, fast food diet that my kids wanted, sipping margaritas at happy hour, and indulging in my childhood faves, like pizza and burgers.  Needless to say, I was back in the old acid business in no time.

This time, I am really going to commit, starting NOW!  I will share my ideas, experiences, frustrations, and victories on this blog.  Please feel free to share your own experiences with heartburn, GERD, and other stomach maladies and how you may have found a solution that works for you.

Tonight, I will be making "bubble and squeak" from the recipe book.  Sounds funny, but I think it will be delicious.  More details to follow!!

Much love,